Logo von Martin Hagen
Logo von Martin Hagen

Curriculum Vitae Dr. Martin Hagen

Professional Experience

Member of the Board:

WFB Wirtschaftsförderung Bremen GmbH

Bremer Weser-Stadion GmbH

Projektbüro Innenstadt Bremen GmbH

since August 2020: Member of the IT-Planungsrat, the German Federal IT Planning Counsel

since August 1st, 2020: Staatsrat for Budget, Human Resources and Digitization at the Senator for Finances, Free Hanseatic City of Bremen, (see website)

since July 2020: Member of the Board of Dataport 

2017-2020: Head of Central IT-Management, Digitasation of Public Services Department, Senator for Finances, Free Hanseatic City of Bremen (see website)

2011-2017: Head of Central IT-management and E-Government at the Senator for Finances, Free Hanseatic City of Bremen 

since 2011: Chairman of the board, Governikus GmbH & Co KG

2003 -2011: Representative of German States in “Interchange of Data between Administration” (IDA) program of the European Commission

2001 - 2011:  Referent for e-Government, Senator for Finances, Free Hanseatic City of Bremen;

1997-2001: University of Bremen, Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Science; "wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter" (full-time researcher)

1993-1994, 1995-1997: University of Hamburg, Dept. of Political Science; Tutor in Political Science

1994-1995: University of Southern Illinois, Carbondale;
Graduate Assistant in the Department of Foreign Languages



2001: University of Bremen, Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Science; "Dr. ing." (Ph.D. in Computer Science; grade: summa cum laude)

1991-1997: University of Hamburg, Dept. of Political Science; Dipl.-Pol. ("M.A." in Political Science; grade: "sehr gut")

1994-1995: University of Southern Illinois, Carbondale, Dept. of Political Science; GPA: 4.0 (on 4.0 scale)


Scientific Conferences and Networks

2000-2001: PRISMA (Providing Innovative Service Models & Assessments), Research-Project funded by the EU-Commission within the 5th-framework IST-program)

1999-2000: Study Group on customer-oriented integration of public services, Kommunale Gemeinschaftsstelle für Verwaltungsvereinfachung (KGSt)

1998-2001: COST-Action A14 "Government and Democracy in the Information Age", Working Group 3: "ICT and Public Administration"

June 12th-13th, 1998; Conference on "Machtfragen der Informationsgesellschaft", Frankfurt a.M.; Organization of Panel on interactive townhalls in Germany (with Herbert Kubicek)

10th-14th, 1996: Virtual Democracy, 9th EURICOM Colloquium on Communication and Culture, Piran, Slovenia, April; Paper on "American Concepts of Electronic Democracy and Their Significance for German Politics"

April 6th-8th, 1995: 53rd Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago; Paper on "Internet: New Developments in the Third World"



English, near native command

German, native speaker

French, basic knowledge



Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, since 1994

TV Eiche Horn (Basketball), since 2006


Other Activities

Intern at Senator Paul Simon’s office in the U.S. Senate, Washington, D.C., May-July 1995